Leverege Operational Lexicon, or LOL is a cli tool for interacting with the Leverege API. It makes and curls every request possible to the Leverege API. This can be used for many different things from testing to sending data.
npm install -g @leverege/lol
lol help
Usage: lol [options] [commands]
To pass complex objects, use JSON objects wrapped in single quotes.
help : this message
set host <host> : sets the host to connect to
set project <project id> : sets the project id to use by default
projects : lists the available projects
projects create <obj> : creates a project
projects help : lists the projects options
users : list the platform users
users help : list users options
project <id> : gets the project
project <id> help : lists the available options on the project
project <id> update : lists the available options on the project
project <id> <resource> : lists the projects resources, where:
<resources> include members, accounts, apiAccess, networks, scripts,
systems, messageRoutes, scenarios, timers, blueprints
If the lol set project <projectId> is used, this
lol project xxx blueprints
can be reduced to
lol blueprints
project <id> : returns the project's information
project <id> help : list the projects options
blueprint <id> : returns the blueprint's information
blueprint <id> help : list the blueprints options
attribute <id> : returns the attribute's information
attribute <id> help: list the attribute options
system <id> : returns the system's information
system <id> help : list the system options
device <id> : returns the device's information
device <id> help : list the devices options
messageRoute <id> : returns the messageRoute's information
messageRoute <id> help : list the messageRoute options
script <id> : returns the script's information
script <id> help : list the script options
apiAccess <id> : returns the apiAccess's information
apiAccess <id> help : list the apiAccess options
timer <id> : returns the timer's information
timer <id> help : list the timer options
user <id> : returns the user's information
user <id> help : list the user options
interface <system> <type> : calls the interface
getDeviceByNetworkAlias <networkId> <propertyKey> <value> : returns the device with the given network id
forgotPassword <username> <projectId> : send password reset message
-extract <path> : This will print the value from the result specified by path.
To list your projects
lol projects
To list blueprints in a project
lol project <id> blueprints
To change the name of a blueprint
lol blueprint <id> update '{"name" : "My New Name" }'